Monday, July 13, 2009

Titus Andronicus

I went to see Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus yesterday evening. Holy intense, so unsettling. But so good. Like I said after it was over, "I think I'm traumatized, but in a good way."

I really didn't expect to like it very much...while I'm into dark books, I'm not into dark movies (so I figured it was the same for plays). I expected to hide behind my program for most of the play. But no...I was staring intensely at the stage. Even for the parts that I had to look away, I ended up looking back with horrified fascination.

Congrats to all the actors, including the understudy who had to play with a script but was still really good.

I also loved the fit very well. And the costumes were awesome. The play was set in a sort of post-apocalyptic Rome, so the costumes were a mix of ancient Roman toga-type outfits, and modern punk and army clothes.

So...Titus: really dark, really intense, really powerful.

1 comment:

Val said...

Wow, I'm glad to hear it made such an impact. I'm jealous now ... since I didn't see it :-(