Monday, June 29, 2009

Blogging challenge: OVER!

The blogging challenge is officially done!! Thanks to everyone who participated. This has encouraged me to try to blog more often...because it turns out I have lots of things to say!
So, here's a little survey for you guys to fill out. You can either reply in comments, or make a new post on your blog.

Would you do WLBC again?

Would you want to make it a tradition? If so, how often would you want to do it? (Annual, bi-annual, monthly, etc.)

How long should the blogging go for? (A week, two weeks, a month, etc.)

Should you have to blog daily, or once every two days, or once a week?

Has this challenge helped you increase the quality of your blog? If so, how?

That's all. Thanks for filling it out! Maybe I'll reply to it myself later.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Okay, I'll fill it out.

Would you do WLBC again?

Would you want to make it a tradition? If so, how often would you want to do it? (Annual, bi-annual, monthly, etc.)
Bi-annual would be good.

How long should the blogging go for? (A week, two weeks, a month, etc.)
A week or two seems about right, but I think that should also be up to the participant.

Should you have to blog daily, or once every two days, or once a week?
I would say daily.

Has this challenge helped you increase the quality of your blog? If so, how?
I think so, it made me care more about my blog throughout the week. Like at one point I didn't really care and wrote a really random one, but by the end of it I wrote much more coherently.